History of Wilson Castle
The castle’s construction began in 1885, as instructed by Doctor & Lady Johnson. Doctor Johnson was a Vermonter who went to England to study medicine. While there he met & married a wealthy lady of the aristocracy. After 7 and a half years of planning and construction the castle was completed at the sum of $1,300,000. The Johnson’s remained in the castle for only a brief time.
From the 1880’s until 1939, the castle was bought & sold numerous times. In 1939, a radio engineer named Herbert Lee Wilson, came to Vermont. He was a pioneer in the AM radio field and built radio stations all over the world. He was looking for a new location to build another station and a summer home for his family. He purchased the estate and the history of Wilson’s Castle officially starts. In the early 1940’s, Col. Wilson was noted for his engineering and radio work in Vermont. He designed radio station WHWB, owned by the Wilson’s and Charles Bates through the Central Vermont Broadcasting Corporation. Other radio work included WSYB in Rutland, Vermont which had the first directional antenna in the state of Vermont. Col. Wilson also provided engineering on WCAX channel 3 television station in Burlington, Vermont.
When America joined WWII in 1941, Herbert Wilson joined the Army Signal Corps, from which he retired in the 1950’s as rank of Colonel. He retired to the castle, and in 1962, opened it for tours. He passed away in 1981 at the age of 82 and left the estate to his daughter, Blossom Wilson Davine Ladabouche. Blossom passed in 2010 and currently her daughter Denise Davine is the owner/operator.
Colonel Wilson
The apiary on the land once housed (at different times) a peacock, eagle, and pheasants.
Before the Wilson’s purchased the estate in 1939, the Castle was briefly turned into a beauty school.
So far we have found a handful of secret compartments hidden in the shelves on the study - where Colonel Wilson would hide valuables that not even his family knew about. Have you found them on your visit? There are rumors that an entire passageway is hidden in the castle, but we have not found it yet. Some believe that the Colonel made up the rumor of the passageway to distract people from the gossip of the castle being haunted.
Paranormal History
There is too much to detail and regale here, but when going on your tour you can ask for our paranormal stories (or keep is less scary if your family is along).
We believe there is both a portal, and a vortex in this Castle, which means many spirits can come and go as they please. This makes it a huge hotspot for paranormal activity, and investigators always leave with incredible experiences and evidence.
There has been one confirmed death on the premises, but multiple mysterious disappearances as well, with rumors of their bodies buried on the property. Spirits have come through saying they are buried in the basement, and with the help of a famous YouTuber we are hoping to get the funds to dig it up and bring peace to whoever is resting there.
We have had many famous YouTubers and Paranormal Investigators stay overnight and post their experiences, such as Sam and Colby, Exploring with Josh, Sinematic Seth, Brother Frank, and Steve and Dylan from Haunted Nights.
We have a page of some of them but you can always search the Wilson Castle on YouTube!
Click below to see some of our favorites.